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Martinez, Georgia, United States
Just an guy out to have a little fun.
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Holy fake deguise Batman!

I thought I add some pain to this particular write up.Things seem to get tougher each day.But I survive.Went on the town the other nite.Had a large time.Even did some dancing.Hadn't been able to do that for a while.The usual bunch you know.Had a burger and beer.Then shot some pool and beer.Then had some shots of Patron.Then went dancing and beer.And more shots of Patron.Wonder if you can buy Patron stock.
Then Monday was the night of discussion.Should she stay or should she go.Acused me of having another.Which was find if I did.But it just got worst.I kept my cool though.We both agreed,maybe she look for her on place.Ha,Ha,Ha,like where.Oops,sorry.I think it will get worse yet.But maybe she'll surprise.So here's needle in your nipple.
Kinda sick.Need to go now.

1 comment:

love Brandi said...

Awesome pic!!! Wonder who took that fabulous picture?? :) You know we are here for you, always have been always will be. And yes, it probably will get worse before it gets better. That is usually how it goes. You will survive, you are stronger than you think!

P.S. It's good to have a king on your side!!!