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Martinez, Georgia, United States
Just an guy out to have a little fun.
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Monday, February 23, 2009


Man have I've got some cool stuff to tell ya.Only one problem.I'm not.But in brief,I had the coolest and most exciting adventure lately.I mean we had the best hamburgers in town.The coldest beer.Then went to our favorite hangout.We always have a blast there.The owners are nice people.Then we go looking for a place to dance a bit.That when thing started to crank up.First .......................then.....................After that we decided we had to go somewhere else.Now we had the ride of our life.Our driver was cruising thru town like Dale Jr.Snatching and jerking.Kicking it.Stopping on a dime.Whew!But we made our destination.We knew we could get some dancing here.But low and behold,STAIRS!My knees hate stairs.So Luciano got in front and Argo got behind me.I just knew I was going to fall.Made it I did though.IN WE GO!Music a thumping.We ordered some drinks,then we watch them......................then alittle later they ...............................Then it got wild and they>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.So we figure we better leave.Now when you think it couldn't get anymore exciting,flash,flash.Blue lights.We knew we were in for it now.But luck was on our side.We had a cool cop.We really weren't that bad(small lie).And we weren't driving crazy,because we took Dale Jr.license away.Still we were scare ........sober..........LOL.Even though we couldn't laugh then.Even our friends just drove right by us and didn't stop to see if they could help.(Smart thing)But he let us go with a friend warning and a get your ass home.So home we went.Well to someones house anyway.We had a few drinks and started playing music.Then two of us..........................then the other twolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll........................................and.................................,,,,,,,;;;;;mm good.LMAO.It was very eventful to say the most.Or is that the least.Actually it was more.For me anyway.WHAT A LARGE TIME I HAD!It like went to the Apollo and watch them................You know now it goes.I have known to stretch thing a bit.WHOA!All I can say is it ended with a Capital G!This tape will self destruct in 20seconds.Ask me no questions I'll tell you no lies.

1 comment:

love Brandi said...

Fabulous dear!! So glad you had, umm shall we ... Fun?! LOL