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Martinez, Georgia, United States
Just an guy out to have a little fun.
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Monday, November 17, 2008

I just don't know anymore.I stay is such chaotic mind blending disarray crapola.Most don't know that.Just start a trip in my brain and stay gone for days.My best buds pull me back at times and I don't think they know it.Just a state of not knowing what to do.Really screwed up the other night.Drinking tequila.I know better.Lately I've been doing well if I drink some.Whew,I made up for that.I'm glad I don't drink everyday.Whoa.Then I got this stuff going on at the house.Weird!Yep that's it.Plan ass weird.But I'm more afraid I upset me friends.They told me everything was cool,but I will still worry.Worst than woman.LOL.Pun intended there.
Well I did cook up a big pot of Low Country Boil the same afore mention night.Everyone said it was good.I didn't really eat.Something about cooking takes my appetite away.As long as they enjoyed the food,I'm tickle pink.
I've already cook for them about three times,I think,and they just keep me cooking.It great though.Good people they are!
Done,nothing more to say.Got to work in the morning.So I'll just call it a night.LONG LIVE PHRED'S HILL.LOL.

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