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Martinez, Georgia, United States
Just an guy out to have a little fun.
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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Whoa!Have I got something to tell ya'll about.The color orange can cause some real big excitement.But I want to get my pictures ready before I tell the whole story.It a real hoot.
Now the night before,Friday,we all went to the county fair.I had to work till 8 that evening,so got there after I got off work.The whole gang was there and with the kids.That was what it was all about anyway.Fred wanted to take the kids.It was cool.I didn't ride any rides.The young folks sure did.D is a little wild thing.I mean in a good way.Full of life.All the kids had a blast.And so did I.I great to have friends to include you in family functions.Just feels good! Okay got to get the pictures straighten out then I tell ya'll about the Color Orange.

1 comment:

love Brandi said...

It's not that we feel the need to include you in family functions or not.. YOU ARE PART OF THE FAMILY!!!! No matter what. You may not be technically related.. but that is just a technicality. We love having you as a member of our family! You help to complete all of us! Don't change, and don't forget us!! We love you, Welcome to "Dysfunctionality!"