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Martinez, Georgia, United States
Just an guy out to have a little fun.
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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Much ado!

Having sick spouse is no fun.The thing is,we're really separated.In fact,almost divorce at one time.Then she got sick.Now being the big heart push over and complete idiot,I let come back home to try and get herself well.Perplexing as may be,I do care about her yet I tire of her.The mother of my child,thirty years together,maybe I owe her this much.To help that is.Keeping my head from clouding up is another issue.But we both agreed to get her better and own her feet,then see if there is a possibility of reconcile.It will be hard on both of us.I don't think she could ever agree to go along on my many adventures that I now take.Plus she is so__________judgemental of everything around her.Looking to analysis things, people and event.She seeks a reason for the slightest fortune or misfortune.Why am I even talking about this.
Good day today.Ate lunch with my buds.Later listen to my King speak of his romancing his lady.Tried to get him to stop but he was all beside himself.His ardor is running wild.LOL.Good for both of them.They do seem happy.
Suppose to go to the fair Friday night when I get off work.I hope it all works out.A trek to wild and mysterious.Just have to get by the smells.Then Saturday the band is playing downtown.Wasn't suppose to work but now I have to,so I'll go after I get off again.Then again Ariel said something about she may pick me up.Must talk to her again.Oh yea Friday the kids are going,Fred and Cindy.Also Ariel's three are going.Should be fun.I hope.
Done.Tiring,must rest.Later.

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