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Martinez, Georgia, United States
Just an guy out to have a little fun.
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Monday, November 24, 2008

Took some time off.Vacation!Use it or lose it.Been rather bored this week.Did some work in the yard.Actually did a lot of yard work for me.Does look better though.Even planted some pansies.Add some color I reckon.Wasn't my idea.I don't mind.
My friend Brandi went home last week to California.Had some unfinished business to attend.Knew she was gone,didn't like it.Good friends are hard to come by,so I guess I was concern.She back home here now with her family.Check her blog.Seems content.Sure I will hear from her later this week.
Fred is swooning.LOL.Naw he got a sweet lady he seeing.They get along good.Course she gets along well with all of us.
Myself,been quite,except the yard work thingy.Cheryl is doing better after surgery.Me,I'm just doing right now.Need me a Seer to tell me my future.LOL.What i really need to do,is sit down and write the book I've been wanting to write.I have an idea,even a opening.Just got to put the thoughts together and jot them down.Need to learn how to do research on my topic also.It's fanasty,but you always want to stay close to reality a little bit.
Ok,I quit.Need to go do some work aroung here.

1 comment:

love Brandi said...

You truly are an amazing person!