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Martinez, Georgia, United States
Just an guy out to have a little fun.
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Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Okay!I'm playing the tag game.The fourth folder and the fourth picture.Post it,then explained. Then tag someone else.Okay this is when I had to get my nipple repierce.Yes that is right repierce.Had some surgery and they make you take all that stuff out of your body.So I couldn't get it back in.The ring I had in my nipple.So after a period of time I went to the tatoo parlor with my friends,and tried to get the a new ring,actually an barbell,put in.The only way to do it right was to repierce.Which meant a larger hole also.The oddity of this,I posted this picture a week or so ago.Now I have to explain that is me.And yes that is a large needle going through my nipple.Gotta to love the pain.

Now who do I tag.Don't really follow any ones blog except one.I have one other that reads my blog but doesn't post.I don't think you are suppose to re tag.I guess I'm it.

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