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Martinez, Georgia, United States
Just an guy out to have a little fun.
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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Bah Humbug!!!!

Whew!The holidays or over.I'm glad.Had some good times this past year.But the holidays just drain me.Nothing really to report on.The home situation is the same.Took two weeks off from work,so now I'm back there.Been trying to get in the mood to start back writing.Been thinking or should I say rethink the direction I want to go with my story.Just been side track so much lately and always somewhere I needed to be.
Phred and the gang and I had a real blow out one night.It was a hoot.We were suppose to just get a beer and burger.Then go shoot some pool and have a shot of tequila.That was the nemesis.We just started having a large time.Needless to say,what they say about tequila is true.
Brandi got her camera and is going around snapping picture everywhere.She just get so excited about getting that good shot.And she does a good job.We both probably should take a course in photography.
Got a lead to a place to go and hear some music.I've hear it real good place to go,plus it is private.When they post a concert,you better act quick.They only sell about 100 hundred tickets.They also have a food bar and buckets to put your drinks in as you watch the concert.Anxious to check this out.
Oh well I try to have ya'll some more info on this next time.Adios.


goooooood girl said...
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love Brandi said...

Keeping secrets ehh?? LOL You must spill about this venue you speak of!! Perhaps we shall travel together to see what the talk is about?! Unless you would rather keep it to yourself, then I understand.. :( LOL... Anywhoo.. Yeah I am excited and love snapping pics all over the place, got a problem with is?!?! (only joking gov!) I need to intro you to this new website I found that is awesome for photography, AND YES WE NEED TO LOOK INTO THOSE COURSES AT ASU!! Osta!