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Martinez, Georgia, United States
Just an guy out to have a little fun.
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Friday, October 9, 2009

Man,I don't feel right.

Last two days have bee a blunder of feelings ,words and silly miatakes.First off,I was overdrawn on my bank account.I haven't done that in years.Yea money is real tight for me right now,but shit.I had enough put aside to cover 23 dollars.Now that going to cost me an additional 35 dollars.I take shit like that hard.Just can't seem to blow it off.
Then I come home from work the last few days and my chest is hurting.It's not like when I had my heart attack,but it gets me wondering.Yesterday I took some Rolaids and felt better.Today it felt worst,so I went ahead and took one of my nitro tabs.Now I feel all shitty.But I got hungry.So heated me up some chicken noddle soup.Guess I'll be ok.See I been in the lab at work around these printers that have MEK fluids in them.It happen before when I stay in the room to long.The ventilation is horrible.But it has made me feel bad before.My wife,or maybe I should say exwife,wants me to go have that COPD test.Hell I don't know what it is.Just something to do with the respiratory system. Then again I haven't seen her in about 2 weeks. Think I might call my sister in the morning. Her old man has heart problems.Maybe she can enlighten me.
Tried to talk about it today with someone.Then figured they got enough to deal with.No need in me chime in about my aches and pains. Miss talking to her though. It's all good.For all I know I might just be stressing out.I've been known to do that at times.Think I go take me some stress pills and take a shower.Try and watch alittle tv and see how the night goes.Need to go get me a lottery ticket.Just don't feel right though.

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