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Martinez, Georgia, United States
Just an guy out to have a little fun.
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hey where has the time gone.

Ok, it's been awhile I know. Things just get in the way and time just slips away. So much has happen over the last year. Lost my father, father in law, Mother in law and a good friend. Step father almost past but he pulled through. Now the rest of the family is out for verdict.
My wife and I decided to try again. Taken it slow. She still has her mother house to take care. Work is changing everyday. New rules and policies. Had to cut my hair. Was going to anyway. My buddy Fred decided to get engaged to Cindy. Marriage set for October 1st. He's been sick a good bit over the last year also. Hell, can't spell the problem so I just say it a infection of the intestines. Got one of those funny medical names.
Work, yea work. Rotating shifts. 12hrs. days and a 3-4 day flip flop. Beating me down I tell you. Miss a month of work with a stress fracture of the foot. Damn doctors couldn't make up their mind what was wrong. Nothing else really exciting. Well maybe the drag race trip. Enjoyed that. I'll talk of it another time. Let see.;;;:::
Oh Jessica had her baby girl on the 17th of May. Brandi is a proud Grandmother. Sean, my son and his wife, Heather, moved to Atlanta for his job. He is doing great. Also Heather got to keep her job at WRDW while up there. The web, you can do so much from almost anywhere.
Myself, no more heart problems. Well none I can tell. Still have a few ticks and pings but nothing bad. Most of that is from the surgery itself. Hating my job. Whats new! And would love to run into some mad money to sink into my little Honda. And a new T.V. and a new Kindle. Oh and a PS3. LOL! Just a kid at heart.
Did some work in the yard. Looks nice. More I want to do. MONEY! Yea got to have to do the things you want. Need to download some pics of the work.
Mustn't forget the old Dell. Virus crash!! Sean got it back going but I switch on to the Macbook. Still learning how to fully function this thing. Haven't started writing any stories on it yet. Haven't wrote any stories in awhile. After the surgery I haven't been able to get the old imagination a flowing. Or should I say, the desire to write down my thoughts. I will get it together here soon, i hope!!
Well I'm outside on this cool night on May 18th, my mother 80th birthday. Yes I did go see her. She is good. So I think I will stop this for now. The pic at the top is from this year up at the lake. Nice sunset. Shine on all you crazy diamonds!!!!!

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