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Martinez, Georgia, United States
Just an guy out to have a little fun.
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Thursday, May 6, 2010

OK ok ok!!

Whoa I'm back. Yea had me a issue with me health. Course seems most was my own fault. Have to keep taken those little pills. For some reason, I think of the Rolling Stones song Mother's Little Helper, when I take my med. OH oh, he also started me on some new med. Suppose to get blood work done. And lets see what else, Yes fill two other scripts for more med. Wonder when the Depends become a necessary purchase. Gross!!! But it turns out that those pills that are specifically for my heart!! I can't miss. Cause a little trouble and I start feeling bad. Kill people and rape and pillage the villages!!!MUHAHHA!! Well not that bad. I really don't want to do a fucking thing. Been dreaming about schrooms lately. Naw just nothing. I will survive, Gloria Gainer 1976, I don't know. Yea I use to own a leisure suit. With platform shoes. I was the shit. Literally!!! Where was I, oh yea sick. Feeling better just not right. Hard to finger. I going to think on this and try to figure out what it is that I'm feeling. It's a conquest for the not so squeamish. I made that up. It sounded good though. The other day I told a friend that I think all I need was a beer and see something naked. I know you want believe this but I got some friends that you can't say that to. It got better after the six beer, but he still wasn't that pretty. And work did I tell y'all about work. Good!! Cause I ain't talking about work. Naked women yea we can talk about that but no work.
Had a friend talking about the american flag. How some people got in trouble. First off in defense of my friend, a hippie. Yes there are still some left other than Thomas Chong. But I also remember back in the seventies when a friend of mine, got arrested,rough up and a hair cut for wearing a flag as a poncho. Yes he cut a hole in the middle and wore it as a poncho. We thought hey cool. Cops thought,lets whoop this long hairs ass. So they did. Defamation of the flag. There is a law. So we saw the buzz lately about the flag on the news. All I know is don't do that in Mrytle Beach. Your ass goes to jail. Nuff said about that. Oh for all you close to me there is a party may 22. If you're not close. Sorry. Call me for details. Ok I'm done here. Love ya, mean it. And happy mother day to all you mothers. That just doesn't sound right does it. You know what I mean.

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