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Martinez, Georgia, United States
Just an guy out to have a little fun.
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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Amusement of the day; make that this year.

I sitting here totally amused with a friends life. They do blog so well and I can certainly see this person as they describe the events, or should I say the Divine Manifestation! How many of their readers will even understand. Cause they won't concern themselves with it. The writing is for themselves. But the pleasure of their amusement, amused me. This is a compliment by all means. I could see you talking to yourself about the decision that you must make. And quite proud of the ones you did make. Pleasure such as theses makes me a smiling man. I even had one of my old school mates contact me today. It was good news. They plan on coming home from the northwest for the golf tournament. Big event in these parts. But they made sure I knew they would be staying at the old home place. Haven't been there in years. And got a invite to visit with them one evening that week. I feel this will be a interesting reunion. They are an artist now and has a studio out west. Seems to dabble in paintings, sculptures and photography... Really hope it happens. I have many questions. The thing most I remember about this person is that they were one of the first hippies from our area. Now that was a big something back in 69 for this area. We always got everything last. But I needed a bright spot in my day today. Thank you my friends for expressing yourselves as you do. I know sometimes it is frustration that is writing. But this time it was a gracious acceptance of positive living. A epiphany as one stated so boldly.


love Brandi said...

Epiphany's are an awesome thing!!!! Really!!! :) I am truly glad you like what you read! That is important to the author's sometimes. Like you said though, it really doesn't matter who reads it, it is just out there!! Glad to read that you will be seeing an old friend soon! Sometimes walks through the past and reuniting with good friends are the best medicine in the world!! At least as long as they are no psycho hose beasts!!! :)

love Brandi said...

Oh yeah... I do so love the picture of you!!!!