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Martinez, Georgia, United States
Just an guy out to have a little fun.
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Monday, April 12, 2010

Handling myself

Basically this is a good description of my moods of late. The background is black and white while I'm still in color. Believe there was movie like that. Had Reese and Toby in it I think. Just bouncing back and forth. Feel good then get a funk mood going. Actually good really pissed at my computor tonight because I, me , myself and I, could not get it do what I wanted. Finally just turn it off and walked away. Ariel will probably straighten it out tomorrow for me. Otherwise I'm need to stop eating. It's like I can't get full. Need to start drinking water all day. And I can finally get to my treadmill. Just need to get some motivation. Is that a word? Have these feeling of wanting to be alone and not talk to anyone. But I been resisting these and talking to some good folks everyday. Just normal moods I reckon for my situation. Then I have been not staying home on weekend,except to sleep. Whoa! Who would name their daughter Barclay. Poor girl. I got lots going on next month. Nephew wedding. Which I need to go get a new Hawaian shirt for.. Then out of town company coming in to town. And we have a big going away party for a friend of ours later in the month. So the summer seems to be starting out good. Hoping to fly up north in July or August. This is depending on other events also. Hmmmm. Starting to relax some now. Make me think! I've got to take some of these late weekend nights and start writing my epic horror story. I had gotten ahead of myself with the story. I need to get back and settle the events of my heroine in the story. Of course at this point she is more of a villian than a heroine. Just need to sit and get into her head and figure out what she has been hiding so many centuries. Plus this man she keep referring to as Lucas. Seems he take nothing serious and is always on the side of caution. Then there is Cadien. The triple beam of weights for them both. I think a good conversation with her would be most intriguing. Only problem is when she become arrogant and will only speak in French. Then I have to record everyword and try and translate later. Maybe I should drag Cadien into the conversation. He does have a way in keeping her focus. Or somehow I understand what she says..Hmm ,just realize.. Naw my imagination. Well it time for this tulip to lay his head to rest. Remember to lock the doors. Because you never met one doesn't mean they don't exist.

1 comment:

love Brandi said...

There you are!! Where have you been for so long! I am glad to see you writing again, and thoroughly glad you can connect with my photo!! You know I am always just a phone call away, I know that is not as good as coming over for a late night beer, but will have to do for now! Love the new blog! Keep writing! :)