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Martinez, Georgia, United States
Just an guy out to have a little fun.
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Monday, March 29, 2010

When will it ever end?

Well, never thought I would write about a such thing. Probably be crying by the time I finish. But the perils of my life continue. First, and which most of my friends knew. My wife is moving out for good this week. A mutual agreement. It's over. I just can't live with her and live my life. It's to tense for me. Yes I am sad about it. I love her and always will. But that's life. She has been and always will be my friend. It will be best for her too.
Now ,on top of that. We still have my physical well being. Family and friends express concerns for me. Will I hold up with all this. Well I thought so at first. Then I get the phone call. It's my sister. She has been at the doctor with my dad. He has been fighting throat cancer now for a few years. The first surgery they kept from me. I know not why. But now it has return. And it is bad. They must perform surgery again and this time remove his vocal cords. The whole thing. Then leave a hole in his throat. I'm not sure about that,as what it's purpose is. He will never talk again. She then said that he may be able to in a couple of years with other procedures. FUCK! He's 85 years old. He has live a full life. I'm afraid he will just not try. Give up. Just let it kill him.
Whew! Now he and I drifted apart for a number of years. Years after he had another son with his new wife. I tried one summer to fit in with them. Moved in with them and consider going to their school and tried to get close to dad again. It didn't work. Just did not fit in with the new family. Then I remember the sneaky things he got me and my sister to do so he could strike out at our mother. That shit happens and I know it. But use your kids. I mean growing up he coach the little league team I played on. He came to all my football games and made sure he tell me how well I played. Then divorce. Game over. I so loved him. But things changed.
Now I may lose him. I so badly wanted to hate him at one time. Never did. Now I don't know what to say to him. Of course with everything else that going on in my life, what could happen to me now. Make you see how some people just give up also and end it. I don't want that. But I want to be happy again. I'm tired of crying. I'm tired of being alone. I miss living. God help me. Yea, I'm crying now. The big thing is now I want you say a prayer for him. No matter what choice he makes. Sure is something I got to prepare for. Thanks for listening!

1 comment:

love Brandi said...

You are my best friend. I am so sorry. I am sorry for leaving. I am sorry for what you have to go through. I just don't even know what to say. I hate that I am not there for you.