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Martinez, Georgia, United States
Just an guy out to have a little fun.
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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My little Hippie girl!

Oh Ariel you and Sauge both will like my, gee don't know quite how to explain her. Hmmm, just realize I never learn her name. She, I believe referred to herself as Summer. But at one time she also said she was Fall. Oh you Wiccan and Druid teachings. She seems to change with the seasons. Only thing is the seasons are in her head. Very inquisitive! Always with a bright smile. Of course me, my inhibiton to be leary of folks entering my brain. Which you both have done more often than I know, I'm sure. Well I, catch myself staring and searching her eyes. Thinking how much do I release to my old but new found family member. This I should explain to you both for it will help with your readings when you look into your magic. She is of blood kinship. A niece! My sister's daughter. Now I feel that she and I have always had a contact, but when around the clan, of Christian believers, as we were raised, it was prudent that you spoke carefully of things that would be consider blasphemy or unclean. Chastisement was usually swift and belittling to oneself. They being your elders, arguement was unfounded. But she and I would always have a connection. Hers is for her to say. Mine was what is this little devil up to. LOL!! But lets carry on. We have been able to converse more of late. I think I shocked her some, only because she saw she was right about me. And she shock me some because! No it was not shock! I saw a typical Wiccan. It just took me till last night to confirm it. She let me see what I wanted to see in the beginning . Damn witches!LOL! These facades that y'all are able to cast about yourselfs are most efficient. I don't even think Lucas can conceal himself that well and we all know how he can disappear and never leave. But she finally drop the defenses more last night. I don't think she has dropped them all, but enough to relax me and allow me to open up some to her. I learn a great deal, I won't say about, let say of her. A Druid for sure. I wonder if she knows her family moved to the states were from the land of Druids. We had a good visit last night. At the end she also had a brief visit from Lucas. I don't think she saw him but she got a sense of his presences. So maybe one day in the near future I can arrange a meeting. In fact I will see if I can locate an image of her to post. Burn some candles for me. I have not been well of late.

1 comment:

summer said...

someone else has to open our eyes to who we truly are. to know our true self. the light shines for him.