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Martinez, Georgia, United States
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Monday, May 3, 2010

Probably would answer a dream.

Vampire Sexy Pictures, Images and Photos

Things amiss these days. Death has been all around me. My successor or as in the beginning my nemesis, has left me for the hallow grounds farther to the north. I'm assured she is cared for well. The young ones she is so insistance on having around, bound to keep her mind in constance disarray. Ha! Most of the coven of this area are to leary of the mortal folk. But most of the old ones have gone. Seems all I sense anymore are the young ones. So inexperience and dangerous to themselves. And never let a vampire happen upon one. They must all be a touch mad in the beginning. Not like Sauge. Control was her defensive and offense. But she has made her choice.

Myself, allusion of the past or a constant nuisance of late. Have not cornered the cause of all these festering sores of my mind. Has a tendency of relating to my mortal side. But that cannot be, far to many centuries have past. Must be living amongst the mortals to long. Ah, a vacation!! How ironic for a creature of my nature to ponder upon. But then a journey to the north or maybe even to the old home on the coast. Perhaps Sauge and Cadien could see fit to travel. Maybe so. But if it's the dead I was escaping and now I seek refuge with the undead. Ha. The madness is not around me, it is inside me. Alas, a retreat I shall seek though. Bring the horde of villians amongst me. It may be a feast of sort. Especially if Sauge hasn't lost her touch for the hunt. Intriguing!!
Oh the young one we, more I with insistance of the Witch, we turn in Boston. Wonder where she may be at these times. Sauge speaks not of her anymore. The drawing at the top makes me think of her. Mischievous imp she was. Fast and evil. Cadien claim he could calm her. Now that I think on her. She never acted so bad around me. Then again when she would return, Sauge would be in need of my help to cover her trail. Messy she was. But, how do you mortals say, so full of life. Ha. Most intriguing!! I must take my leave now. I feel the other person in this body trying to come out. An I do tire easier these days. I bid you all adieu!!

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